How Do You Know if You Have Strong Genes

Some traits you were born with come from your genes.

Your Genes And Yous

Some traits y'all were born with -- your eye color and pilus color, for example -- come from your genes. They're molecules – scientists tin encounter them but with a microscope -- that carry information passed down from your parents. You've probably heard information technology called Dna. Nigh DNA is the aforementioned for everybody. Just a minor percentage of information technology is yours alone. Those differences determine parts of your concrete appearance, your take a chance for certain diseases, and even your personality.

There's lots of new genetic research that matters -- or will thing -- to yous.

We all wonder when we'll get our first grey strand.

The Roots of Grey Pilus

We all wonder when we'll get our first gray strand. Scientists constitute a gene that helps effigy out if -- and how early -- you'll get that "distinguished look." The gene, called IRF4, helps brand the pigment in your hair, eyes, and peel. It may give united states insight on aging and possibly how to concur off those argent locks.

Researchers likewise found genes linked to balding, curly hair, and unibrow.

Some genes may determine which gender you're attracted to.

Born That Manner

Some genes may determine which gender you're attracted to. New research shows that brothers, uncles, and cousins of gay men are more than likely to exist attracted to members of the same sex themselves. Scientists have found that changes in ii detail genes seem to play a role.

There seems to be a connection between a specific gene and impulsive behavior.

A Cistron for Rampage Drinking?

There seems to be a connection between a specific gene and impulsive behavior. A pattern in a gene called KALRN may as well play a part in which teenagers are more likely to binge beverage.

These findings may also shed light on why some of united states take trouble controlling our urges to drinkable, do drugs, and attempt dangerous activities.

And they may one solar day help doctors observe and treat teens with this risk.

You know that a pregnant woman's age, diet, weight, and drinking habits can affect her baby's health.

Your Father's Influence

You know that a pregnant adult female'due south historic period, diet, weight, and drinking habits can touch on her baby's health. But practise you know the aforementioned is truthful for the father?

Every bit men get older, if they gain a lot of weight, or become heavy drinkers, their genes can change. If passed downwards, those changes may raise their kids' -- or fifty-fifty grandkids' -- chances of getting conditions like autism, diabetes, and cancer.

What you eat and how much you exercise isn't the whole story when it comes to your size.

A Weighty Discovery

What you lot consume and how much you exercise isn't the whole story when it comes to your size. Your genes besides may play a part. For the outset time, scientists have found some people'south genes nudge them toward a higher-than-good for you weight. A nutritious nutrition tips the scales in your favor. That's non always piece of cake, so inquire your doctor for advice on how y'all get started.

You have probably heard of post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD.

A Born Stress Fighter

You've probably heard of post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD. Truth is, it's not just our veterans or heroes who are at chance. Studies on both soldiers and earthquake survivors accept found a couple of different gene patterns that may play a role, as well.

Surprisingly, the same combinations take also been linked to rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis. Experts are looking into how these atmospheric condition may be related.

Experts now believe several dozen gene variations may raise the risk of age-related macular degeneration, or AMD.

A Better Expect at Blindness

Experts now believe several dozen gene variations may raise the risk of age-related macular degeneration, or AMD. It's the leading crusade of incomprehension in people l and older.

Some combinations have been tied to wet AMD, a more avant-garde form of the affliction.

This means doctors may one twenty-four hours be able to test for genetic risk and come upwardly with new means to prevent or treat both disorders.

Our ancestors faced many viral illnesses as our species evolved.

Viruses That Boost Immunity

Our ancestors faced many viral illnesses equally our species evolved.

Today, a flake of your Dna is leftovers from viruses our ancestors fought off. Scientists used to think these foreign bits had no purpose. But when they removed them from cells in a lab, other nearby genes were no longer able to trigger the allowed system to fight off new virus attacks.

It turns out, those ancient viruses take been protecting us against new ones all along.

Scientists have found a few people whose genetics would suggest they'd have a serious, inherited childhood disease.

Genes Say Yes, They Say No

Scientists take found a few people whose genetics would suggest they'd have a serious, inherited childhood disease. Yet, they don't. Researchers are looking for more of these lucky people. They desire to effigy out what makes them and so fortunate and what new treatments they tin inspire.

That's the disorder that stops you from digesting gluten and causes inflammation in the intestines.

Gluten Glitch

About 40% of us might have genes linked to celiac disease. That'south the disorder that stops y'all from digesting gluten and causes inflammation in the intestines. Simply only about 1% of the people with these genes have symptoms of the disease.

These creatures live in the water and breathe through slits in their guts similar to fish gills.

Meet Your Cousin, the Worm

Researchers in Nihon say people share nigh xiv,000 genes -- or roughly 70% of their genetic makeup -- with tiny acorn worms. These creatures live in the water and exhale through slits in their guts like to fish gills. There's show those slits evolved into our jaw, tongue, vox box, and pharynx muscles.

Your health, personality, and your looks are based on many things, including your genes.

It's Nature AND Nurture

If all this news about genetics has yous wondering about what could be hiding in your DNA, remember this: Your health, personality, and your looks are based on many things, including your genes. But your environment, your lifestyle, and a bit of chance also play roles.

The choices you brand still thing near equally far every bit who you'll become, though.



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  • Columbia University Medical Middle: "Written report Discovers Link Between Celiac Disease Risk and a Noncoding RNA"

How Do You Know if You Have Strong Genes


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