According to the Nurse, What Was Juliets Reaction to the News That Romeo Has Killed Her Cousin?

Act Iii, SCENE 2


Juliet waits impatiently in her garden for nighttime to come and bring Romeo to her. Her solitude is interrupted past the Nurse. She arrives carrying the ladder that Romeo has requested, merely she throws it away as if it were at present useless. The Nurse so begins to constitutional incoherently and says iii times, "He is expressionless," not revealing the identity of the deceased. Juliet concludes that she is speaking of her husband. With Romeo dead, Juliet believes she volition be unable to live. The Nurse then mentions Tybalt`s dead body, a statement which leads Juliet to believe that both her husband and cousin are dead. The Nurse finally explains that it is Tybalt who is killed and that Romeo is banished from Verona as a consequence of the murder.

With sudden revulsion, Juliet loses self-command and denounces Romeo as an evil spirit in the form of an angel. The Nurse responds that there is no trust, no religion, and no honesty in human being. Juliet, however, cannot tolerate whatsoever criticism of Romeo. The Nurse asks her how she could praise the human who has killed her cousin. Juliet replies that she will never speak ill of her husband. When Juliet thinks of his banishment from Verona and her, she breaks into tears. The Nurse instructs Juliet to go to her room. She herself will get to Friar Lawrence'south prison cell and bring Romeo, who is hiding there. Juliet gives the Nurse her ring to give to her husband as a token of her beloved for Romeo.


This scene is a flashback to Scene five of Deed II, when Juliet is in the garden impatiently pending the arrival of the Nurse with news from Romeo. In this scene, she is once over again in the garden, unaware of the incidents that have occurred in the street. She is lost in a passionate soliloquy as she waits for night and the coming or Romeo. It is obvious that she is deeply in love with her handsome hubby. Ironically, she says of him that when Romeo dies, his torso should be cut upward into lilliputian stars, for he would brand the face of heaven and then fine that everyone would be in love with night and pay no more than attention to the sun. It is also ironic that she begs for darkness to come quickly, for the news that the Nurse is about to bring is definitely night.

When the Nurse arrives on the scene wringing her hands, Juliet immediately knows that something has gone incorrect on this joyful day of her union. The Nurse, who is usually able to talk freely, has difficulty explaining the events to Juliet. Equally a result, she mistakenly believes her husband is expressionless. When she finally learns the truth near Tybalt's death at the easily of Romeo, she criticizes her hubby in harsh words. She speedily realizes that if Romeo had not slain Tybalt, the latter would have killed her married man. Love gains mastery over hatred, and she heaves a sign of relief that her hubby is alive. She is shocked to hear of the banishment of Romeo, and in her digestion of this news she refuses to become to the family to sympathize with them in their grief over Tybalt'south death. She dismisses all thoughts of her parents from her mind and thinks only of Romeo. Exile will separate them for a long time, but Juliet is adamant to have ane dark of elation. She leaves instructions with the Nurse for her husband to come to her room that dark. Juliet likewise gives the Nurse her ring to deliver to Romeo equally a token of her unchanged love. The Nurse sets off on her arduous job.

It is important to non how Romeo and Juliet both show maturity in this scene. They accept both grown considerably from the time they were get-go seen on stage. Romeo, in a mature style, refuses to exist drawn into a fight with Tybalt when he is called a villain. Instead, he replies to his tempter that he loves all the Capulets. When Tybalt kills his good friend Mercutio, Romeo once again acts maturely. He is honour bound to avenge his friend, even if it causes his wife to grieve. Romeo is able to put duty above passion. In a similar mode, Juliet reveals that she has likewise matured. At beginning, she is enraged that her hubby has killed her cousin Tybalt. Then mature reason takes over. She realizes that if Romeo had not killed Tybalt, he would accept been killed himself. As a outcome she dutifully defends his deportment to the Nurse, makes plans for Romeo to visit her and consummate the union, and sends the Nurse off with a message and a token of her life for Romeo. Both of the lovers definitely display a new maturity and sense of duty, brought on as a event of their deeply felt love for ane some other.

It is also important to observe the suspense that fills the scene. The Nurse'south defoliation and distraught beliefs leads Juliet to incorrectly assume that her hubby is dead. When she learns he has killed Tybalt, she denounces Romeo, which adds further suspense. The more human and mature side of Juliet's character is and then displayed as she sides with her husband. She vehemently supports him against the Nurse'southward criticism, sends the Nurse to summon Romeo to her room, sends her ring every bit a token of her honey, and refuses to get to the family and console them over Tybalt'south expiry. Suspense is also added by the repetition of the discussion "banishment". The horror of Romeo's punishment is that it volition exist a "living death" for the lovers.

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